Saturday, August 4, 2012

2 weeks of work

Hubby started back at work 2 weeks ago.  The first week he worked 4 days, the 5th day he had an appointment.  This week he worked 3 days, he wasn't feeling well one day and the other he had an appointment.

He did well considering.  He did come home tired, but I'm so proud of him for going.  Speaking with a nephrologist on the phone (not his), he said the most successful kidney failure patients are those that go back to work.  This was great to hear and know.  I'm not sure it is possible for dialysis patients to ever function as well as they did before kidney failure, but it is possible for them to have a good productive life.

I can't say life is "normal", because there are still countless appointments, blood tests, pills, daily dialysis, and he does suffer from fatigue, but he is alive, he is trying, and today is a good day!

*Do you have a positive story about having a good life after starting dialysis?  Would you like to share your story?  Send me an email using the email button on the right column.  I would love to be able to share some positive stories.  The entire story doesn't have to be positive, because as we know dialysis comes with it's own set of challenges, disappointments, and failures.... but if the main theme or the ending of your story is positive... I want to share it!

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